Bright and early three generations headed from our little Illinois house to Missouri. We were taking mom to Lebanon and Lindsay to meet her extended family, and then heading to California for three months.
We spent two nights in Lebanon, showing off the new baby, and then headed west. Our first stop was only an hour away, to visit with my grandma (now living with my uncle and aunt). Of course, grandma was thrilled with her great-grandchild! Our visit was too short, but we had miles to go, and knew there would be many frequent breaks along the way.
Lindsay was a fantastic little traveler. We gave her lots breaks of course, and enjoyed a slower travel pace than our first trip cross-country. We made a sidetrip to the Grand Canyon. She wasn't impressed, but I was. (She was much more interested in dinner.)
When we arrived in California, one of the girls in Kent's office offered to watch Lindsay so we could go out to dinner. Wow, that was a long two hours! Seems like we were away forever! While I appreciated the gesture, I hated the separation! And then, the little scoot was mad at us - wouldn't look at us all the rest of the evening! We'd call her name, and she would deliberately turn her head away! We knew we were in trouble from the start with that one. :)
Lindsay loved to watch the jacuzzi. We would take her swing outside by the jacuzzi and she would fall asleep mesmerized by the bubbles. During the day she liked to watch the TV (videos we made of her) and she would look all around trying to figure out where daddy was - she could hear his voice, but not find him. As I would start supper, she'd sit by the window at the table and get so excited when daddy would come to the window on his way in!
At three weeks, I left Lindsay on the bed to go get her a diaper. When I came back, she was on her stomach... I guess I read the wrong baby books! So no more leaving her unattended. :) One night I fell asleep early. When I awoke in the middle of the night, Lindsay was not in her bed! Panicked, I started to wake Kent, when I saw her - sound asleep in her swing. Kent had fallen asleep, too, and she had never been moved to bed.
When Lindsay was four weeks old, we went to Disneyland. That night, she slept through for the first time (either that, or we were both too tired to hear her wake up!) We spend hours and hours at the beach, a weekend in San Diego to the zoo and into Tijuana, and went to San Jose to Kent's brother's for Thanksgiving. Kent's mom flew out to join us, and watched Lindsay for an afternoon so we could go to San Francisco.
While our time was amazing, and getting 3 months maternity leave was great, living in a hotel was getting a little old. Even shy of three months, Lindsay was getting antsy in the same room every day. But new adventures were on her horizon.