Welcome! This is written for our children (with a long trip down memory lane), but we're glad you stopped by! We hope some of our adventures will inspire you, and perhaps some of the things we've learned will help you along your way. So - with some laughter (from a disinherited daughter ☺) at the idea that mom might be able to doing more on the internet than check her email - here we go!

Saturday, June 9, 1984

Watching the Blue Angels... from the top of the Sears Tower

We often daytripped to Chicago, visiting the museums or zoo, and sometimes we would stay overnight, usually at the Embassy Suites.  We especially loved to do that in the winter - take a mini-vacation and swim the weekend away.

But this was a summer trip with the kids and grandparents.  Kent and I took Missi and Kathi up to the top of the Sears Tower, while the grandparents watched Lindsay down below.  While we were looking out over Chicago, we were surprised to see the Blue Angels rehearsing!  Sometimes they were at eye level, and sometimes actually below us.  It was an amazing sight.  When we finally went back down, Kent's folks said they though we weren't coming back, but they understood when we told them what was going on.

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