Welcome! This is written for our children (with a long trip down memory lane), but we're glad you stopped by! We hope some of our adventures will inspire you, and perhaps some of the things we've learned will help you along your way. So - with some laughter (from a disinherited daughter ☺) at the idea that mom might be able to doing more on the internet than check her email - here we go!

Wednesday, July 6, 1983

Cloud 9 Ranch

We spent July 4th in Missouri at my parents with Missi and Kathi.  As usual, that involved a trip to Bennett Springs State Park.  The girls always wanted to visit there, especially the trout hatchery, and the grandparents were always happy to oblige.

After the Fourth (and watching my uncle get chased by fireworks out at the farm) we spent three days at Cloud 9 ranch in Caulfield, Missouri.  We had a rental trailer, and it was quite "rustic" (read that as "worn out").  The girls got to go horseback riding and we all spent a lot of time in the pool - because that's what you do in southern Missouri in July.  It was an interesting sensation, having a baby try to climb my ribs, trying to get away from the cold water!

Cloud 9 Ranch was our first family camping experience.  While "rustic", it was the beginning of our love of camping, joining with our love of traveling.  Even in these "rustic" conditions, the travel bug just took another big bite.