Welcome! This is written for our children (with a long trip down memory lane), but we're glad you stopped by! We hope some of our adventures will inspire you, and perhaps some of the things we've learned will help you along your way. So - with some laughter (from a disinherited daughter ☺) at the idea that mom might be able to doing more on the internet than check her email - here we go!

Wednesday, December 26, 1984


December 10 - I didn't have to get up to go to work!  Lindsay and I spent a lot of time baking cookies and making little crafts (one-year old variety) and decorating and reading and playing.... being a stay at home mom was a nice change!

We spent Christmas at home with Missi and Kathi and Kent's folks and little brother Rob.  Although technically Lindsay's second Christmas, it was the first she could really understand and enjoy the packages.  And there were plenty to enjoy!  

 It doesn't take little ones too long to catch on to presents, does it?

Lindsay and daddy exploring
"Hug Me" baby saw many repairs through the years
My parents made this display when I was a kid, but
 we didn't use it much.  It just wasn't the message we
wanted to emphasize to our kids about Christmas.
Lindsay and grandparents (Kent's parents)