Welcome! This is written for our children (with a long trip down memory lane), but we're glad you stopped by! We hope some of our adventures will inspire you, and perhaps some of the things we've learned will help you along your way. So - with some laughter (from a disinherited daughter ☺) at the idea that mom might be able to doing more on the internet than check her email - here we go!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Farewell, Oklahoma

The last few weeks of our deployment were too busy to do much more than catch a breath now and then.  Most of the relief agencies were gone, the city had set a deadline to end free pick-up of debris, and those who had put off (for whatever reason) dealing with things were desperately calling for last minute help.  We were glad to be there for them.

One of the last things Poured Out did was to host a homeowners' party.  We went through the records and called everyone we had a work order for, inviting them for a night of food, fellowship with old neighbors, donation handouts, and our chance to say goodbye and thank you for allowing us to serve them.  It was a fantastic evening!  It was good to see people reconnect - many had not seen or talked to their neighbors since the storms, or in the immediate days after while everyone was trying to recover a few personal belongings.  There was plenty of food for everyone (thanks in part to a grill donated by Lowe's!) and Braum's ice cream to top it all off! (Again, thanks to Braum's for their generous donation - just because a manager recognized us from work in her neighborhood.)  A Wisconsin church group brought gift cards to hand out, and everyone went home with a car packed with donations ranging from toilet paper and pet supplies to food, linens and homemade blankets.

 A chance to visit...

 stock up on supplies....

share a meal.... 

and receive some gift cards. 

Thanks, Convergint, for all your help!!

It was exciting to see how many had already bought and settled in new homes, or were working with contractors, ready to start new construction on their cleared lots.  We were blessed to have been a part of that!

After the homeowners' party it was time to start packing out.  Cots and mats had to be cleaned and boxed up, projects finished, and the church building that we had been using for a dorm and cafeteria was scrubbed up.  We cleaned carpets, pews, furniture and classrooms, packed up office supplies and equipment, and restored order to the building that had served as home for three months.  Outside the big tent was cleared out and taken down, the tools, supplies and trucks were all put in order, ready for the trip back to Michigan.

After one last round of goodbye hugs with our new Oklahoma family, the last four vehicles pulled out about 6:00 p.m. Saturday night, August 17.  We made it as far as Joplin's Flying J, and pulled off for the night.  We were just a couple of hours out from Lebanon, and made it in to church there in time to surprise Dad and Mom.  They took us out for lunch, and then we went to their house and slept the afternoon away!  We spent a couple of days with them, then headed north.

And now, we're back at the house, which hasn't suffered too much from sitting empty all summer (well, except for all the weeds in the back - yikes!  The young boy who was so eager to mow the year before while saving money for a car now had that car, and wasn't too interested in mowing anymore, but his grandmother and another neighbor took care of the basics for us.)  Unfortunately, the house still hasn't sold, so we have to decide our next move with it.

But not until we've spoiled the grands some!. ;)