Welcome! This is written for our children (with a long trip down memory lane), but we're glad you stopped by! We hope some of our adventures will inspire you, and perhaps some of the things we've learned will help you along your way. So - with some laughter (from a disinherited daughter ☺) at the idea that mom might be able to doing more on the internet than check her email - here we go!

Friday, May 15, 1981

Our first home

After a short honeymoon in the Wisconsin Dells, we were home.

Kent had been living in a small rental house when we married.  And I mean small.  It had originally been a two-car garage, which was the living room and bedroom, and it had a 6 foot wide addition that ran the length of the house that became the kitchen and bathroom.  But it was our first house!   With the couch and chair Kent's folks gave us, my bedroom set and piano, and a kitchen table we were settled.

We had a nice surprise our first week, too.  Kent had been working at a small local company, but had a message waiting to call personnel at the Rock Island Arsenal when we got home.  He was hired on immediately, and spent the next 22 years there.  His job required frequent travel, and we often went along with him through the years.  In fact, his travel schedule was a big factor in our first RV purchase - we were already homeschooling by then, and it was easy to go along, and extra nice to spend a month or two in Florida away from the midwest winters! :)  

- Dana

A short honeymoon in the Wisconsin Dells?  I was such a romantic.  I took my bride to the circus museum.  I think it was to be a premonition of what life was to be like with 7 kids.

When we got home to the "garage", I found a notice to go for an interview at the Rock Island Arsenal for a job.  I had been trying to get hired there for several years.  My job at the time was as a quality control tech at a small electronics company and I loved it.  The only problem was that the pay was not going to support my new bride and I the way I wanted.  After the interview I was hired and got an immediate 30% raise.  God is good all the time!

I have been a traveler all my life so it is no surprise that I enjoyed taking Dana on trips with me.  I regretted that I couldn't take her with me on every trip.  I didn't even suspect at that time that my job would enable the nomadic lifestyle we so enjoy today.

 - Kent

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